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Ukrainian Sick Kids Lives
Cancer Doesn’t Go Into Quarantine. Help Us Save the Sick Kids of Ukraine

Sung8te’s founder Tatiana Sanghera has witnessed first-hand the institutionalized cruelty of compassionless bureaucracies, and the preventable tragedies caused bg cultural apathy.
Her first-hand experience was the seven-year fight for a healthy life, which taught her the real value of health, quality of life and the importance of a good care system to look after those families that require support during tremendously difficult times.
The second experience was then Tatiana's parents sent her to an orphanage in Latvia to her from the fallout of the Chernobyl disaster, she lived side-by-side with orphans who lived much starker lives. While Tatiana received gifts and visits from family, her peers had no one to advocate for them. This revealed to Tatiana the privilege of having a loving family and the importance of putting that privilege to work tor others.
Later, as a teenager, Tatiana became an immigrant. First to the UK and then to Canada.
During this period of her life, Tatiana experienced the prejudices that are all too common to the immigrant experience. However, she also benefited from the compassionate guidance and care of people who were better positioned to help her. The investment of time and energy into her success by charitable mentors reinforced the lessons of her youth. They served as a reminder that we are all, at times, the less fortunate in need of help.
In 2018, Tatiana's mother succumbed to a brave battle against brain cancer, Her death in the cold care of a Ukrainian medical establishment brought home the truth of our interdependence, While Tatiana watched her mother suffer at the hands of an indifferent bureaucracy. She reached out to anyone who could help several empathetic individuals stepped forward in her family's time in need, including Dr. Pavlo Plavskig, Head of Neurosurgery Department of Ohmadit hospital and Dr. Oleksandr Voznyak, Head of the Neurosurgery department at Feofania Hospital. These two doctors were instrumental in prolonging the life of Tatiana's mother, and they remain at the front line of fighting medical injustice in Ukraine today. While Dr Solntseva's death inspired grief and frustration, those who loved her, her life of compassionate service, her model of energetic activism, her courage in her final days inspired Sung8te.